Thursday, 26 February 2015

Day 12 - Walking with Jesus

Talk about letting out your closet poet...... here's another offering!

We set out on our journey of life
With great aims and high expectations. 
In our mind is a cottage with neat hedges

But all we're left with is jagged rough edges.

And we come on our knees to the Lord
When we finally admit to the mess.
He won't give an instant solution
But instead offers His substitution:

His love for our hate,
His joy for our sadness,
His peace in our conflict,
His goodness for our badness.

So once more we set out on our journey
But with renewed vision and goals;
This time no selfish agenda,
Just a longing to reach out to souls.

I realise that the rhyming structure of this poem changes half way through.... I could suggest that it was planned to show the change of heart in the person..... but I have to admit it was totally accidental!

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