Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Day 11 - Pink?

A little earlier in the day and I'm looking at the lovely colours in my rug again......specifically, pink! Lord, have you got more you want to say about colour? pink a feminine colour? Well, light pink is different from bright pink because it seems so soft and gentle. So, are women soft and gentle? Here goes with a few of my musings today.....

Men are strong and angular and firm and decisive - women are beautiful and rounded and soft and sensitive. (Hear me out, those of you who are squirming!) These, I believe, are the extremes of masculine and feminine. God has created us in His image and He has created us male and female. So.... is God a man or a woman? Well, neither, because He is a spirit, and I believe that He encompasses both a maleness and femaleness in His make up. So why do we call Him Father? It's because that protective but strong trait of fatherhood is how He chooses to reveal Himself to us. This is so good for us in our society because so many children are without a father or have absent or sometimes brutal father role models in their lives. 

So, we have been made male or female, but within each of us are the characteristics of both male and female. I think it's such a shame that men sometimes feel they cannot let their feminine side out in public and there's so much sexual stuff out there which portrays women as helpless pink blobs! As a musician I know many lovely creative men who are no less masculine than James Bond (would you even want to be him, 'just for the day'?) and a fair few strong women with great leadership gifting who are no less women than their quieter friends. So again, my thought for today is.... be yourself! Men, let out your closet poet, and women, believe in your giftings!    

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