Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Day 18 - In the Fog

"We don't yet see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist." That's how the Message version of the Bible puts verse 12 of the first letter to the Corinthians, chapter 13. This is how I feel tonight as I wait on God. Can't gather my thoughts, can't sense God's presence with me, can't seem to encourage myself. I look up the wonderful hymn, 'Love Divine' and it cheers me up a little. 

As a child we used to go on holiday to the same place in the highlands of Scotland every year. I knew the hills behind our caravan pretty well and sometimes used to roam the countryside on my own. One day I was up the hill when the mist came down, and the familiar hillside suddenly became unfamiliar. I admit I was a little scared, but knew which part of the hill I was on and just walked downwards, not taking the usual route and pricking myself on bushes as I went. I shortly came down far enough to leave the mist behind me and returned home.This is why seasoned walkers take a compass with them, because they know that there will be times when the mist will fall and you can't rely on your vision.

 At times like this we put our trust in God and in His Word. And sometimes in life, it's all down to unrealistic expectations. If we expect the way to always be easy we will be very disappointed. If we expect there to be times when we're in a fog, we'll just muddle through until the fog clears. :)

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