So, I'm nearly at the end of my 50 Days of Light. As I've been waiting in God's presence I've found myself asking so many questions. A certain amount of light has come to me, but in some ways I feel I have more questions now than I had at the beginning. I like solving problems and I like to see a way round a problem to find a solution. So I'm going to continue to wait on Him after the 50 days are over. Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, after all....... if I need to know anything, I've come to the right place!
Today I find myself thinking about waiting. Jesus' friends were waiting, after His death, but were not sure what they were waiting for. The women were waiting for the Sabbath to be over so they could anoint the dead body with spices and the men were just......waiting. They probably felt nothing.... numb. They had no faith that He would be resurrected, not a single one of them. Waiting without hope is deathly.

People wait for many things: a hospital test result; a baby to be born; in a queue at Madame Tussaud's; for a loved one to appear at an airport; or for their much longed for holiday in the sun. The action is the same, but the experience is so different.
I am waiting with anticipation for the Holy Spirit to move in greater power than I have ever known in my lifetime. I am waiting in the faith that there will be a turning to God among the people of Britain that the land has never seen the like of before. I know that the Lord has no favourites and He loves all the nations, but I have a particular love for this one, and I know He loves it too. So I'm still here, Lord, and I am waiting in anticipation.
eyes raised to heaven,
smile says it all;
it's coming, it's coming.
Like a baby bird
waiting for the juicy worm
I'm ready, I'm ready.
Waiting here
For you. For you.
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