In the C.S.Lewis story 'The Silver Chair', the children go on a quest to find the lost Prince of Narnia accompanied by a strange creature called Puddleglum. Their search takes them deep under the ground into an underworld ruled by a mysterious 'Green Lady' who is really a witch, where they find Prince Rilian and try to make an escape. However, the Green Lady returns and using her magic she lulls them into a sort of trance where she convinces them that there is no such place as Narnia and that there is no such thing as the sun.... remember, they have been living underground for quite a while at this point. This is Puddleglum's shining moment. He places one of his feet into the fire in order to bring him to his senses and says something which wakes the others from their trance. Here is a slightly abridged version of his speech:

I sat quietly for a few moments in the local parish church today. Underneath a circular ring of lamps hung a piece of paper on which the local children had drawn a picture of Jesus' head, with a sad face, and the lamps seemed to be the crown of thorns on his head. Very effective, I thought, in these days as we run up to Easter.
In our society today are very vocal voices of atheism, ridiculing the traditional Christian beliefs as fairy stories. All I can say is that, if they are only made up stories, I'd rather spend my life as a Christian than any alternative anyone else can come up with!. And I'll close with the words of Jesus' disiples when others were leaving Him and He asked them if they wanted to leave too,
"Where would we go to? You have the words of eternal life."
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