An unexpected day today.... a prang with the car resulted in us travelling home in a flat bed truck .... eventually arriving home after midnight. So this is a bit late, but here it is. Not quite an hour with God today, but this is what I have to offer.

I spent quite some time helping my friend look for a lost ipod this afternoon: in cupboards, drawers and in every nook and cranny, but to no avail... I think about lostness. It says in the book of Luke in the Bible (chapter 19) that Jesus said he came 'to seek and to save the lost'. We've all heard of the phrase, 'lost souls'. What does it mean? Does it mean that God does not know where we are, that he can't find us? According to the first book of the bible, Genesis, after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit they hid from God and the bible records that God said, "Adam, where are you?" Surely God knew where he was?
The dictionary says that lost can mean mislaid, so you can't find something, or gone for good, like a lost opportunity. So I don't think it meant that God couldn't find Adam, but that Adam had gone. He had left that place of intimacy that he and Eve had known before they betrayed God's trust. That intimacy had been lost for good, for ever.....until that great bridge builder, Jesus Christ, came and restored our lost relationship with Father. While I am waiting before God, cup of tea in hand, my friend's big dog Max (doesn't he just look like a Max?) scratches on the door until I let him in. And not content with that, he clambers onto the sofa next to me and snuggles up.
This is the closeness that our Father God wants to have with us. Away with 'religion', away with do's and don'ts, for now we, too, can clamber up close.
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