As I'm waiting with God tonight, I find myself asking the Holy Spirit to fill me again. I'm asking for Him to flood my church, my family and friends with His presence.... and you, too, my blog-readers :) I cover myself with the lovely enormous warm shawl that my son bought me for Christmas, partly to keep warm, and partly to remind myself of how I'm covered in God's love, and I ask the Holy Spirit to teach me how to be a follower of Jesus, how to really be a disciple. In the book of James, in the Bible, he says that if someone were to look at their reflection in a mirror and then walk away and completely forget what they looked like, it's the same as learning about how to live well without putting it into practice. Hearing without doing. Actually, we're all doing something....we're all building something. Jesus said we either build on rock or on sand, as simple as that. I think I want to build on rock.

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